11 Conversations All Relationships Have in the First Year of Dating
Honeymoons, first fights, first sleep together, there are a lot of important moments and “firsts” in the first year of dating someone. You’ll also have a lot of important conversations, so we’ve listed the conversations you can expect in the first year of dating.
1) Is it time to meet the family?
At least one of you will be daunted at this point, both when it comes to introductions and when it comes to settling in with the in-laws. I have a very close and warm family and I have no problem introducing new people, but getting to know your partner’s family can definitely be a scary moment. This conversation comes up at different times for different couples, depending on how close their families are emotionally and geographically.
2) Do you want to have kids one day?
This is usually a casual conversation where one partner tries to get a feel for what the other wants in life and if they think the relationship is serious. It’s worth stressing that this shouldn’t be a scary conversation, kids could be a decade away, but it’s important to know that you’re both on the same page.
3) Religion
Whether you are an atheist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, or whatever you feel about the concept of religion, it will come up in conversation at some point. Whether it is understanding each other’s values or traditions, or finding similarities or differences between you, this is what will happen. If you belong to different religions, don’t be nervous, accept the multicultural nature of your love, and understand each other and your upbringing.
4) Do you trust me?
You can trust someone 100%, but you may want to hear from the other person that they trust you too. Trust is essential in a serious relationship, and there is nothing worse than jealousy, which will rear its ugly head at some point.
5) What makes you happy?
Whether it’s go-karting on the weekends, thrift shopping, watching football games, or eating out at fancy restaurants, it’s important to understand what they enjoy in life. This is a great way to find things you both enjoy, but I also think it’s important to be interested in each other’s passions. If they are not open to your interests, then maybe they are not as interested in you as you think.
6) Tell me about your ex
This is a dangerous topic that won’t come up in all situations, but it’s one that at least one of you will bring up often. Regardless of how long ago you broke up, why you broke up, or how long you’ve been together, this can be a natural way to get to know her, but it’s also a potential jealousy topic if the answer triggers something. It’s important to discuss this early and let bygones be bygones. Exes shouldn’t be a frequent part of conversation between the two of you, but they shouldn’t cause arguments when they come up either (unless the conversation is “Ah, my girlfriend used to like doing this”).
7) Where are we going on New Year’s Eve?
Whether it’s a wild night out on the town, a house party with friends, or just a glass of prosecco in front of the TV, New Year’s Eve is a popular choice for couples to kiss and ring in the new year together. Make sure you’re both free, because if one of you prefers seeing friends over the other, or has other plans, this can quickly become a point of contention.
8) Did you just flirt with her/him?
Okay, the topic of jealousy comes up again, but it’s important to talk about. No relationship is without a bump or two, and at some point you’ll notice them (or they’ll notice you) talking to someone in a familiar way. While this may be completely harmless, it can feel like a stab in the heart, and they may impulsively burst into verbal diarrhea when they act as if they don’t care, when in reality they want to get to the bottom of every detail of how you met and got along. Is there a serious connection.
9) How much do you make?
Whether it’s a direct mention or a casual reference to the subject and your industry, it’s natural to want to know how much they make compared to you. This doesn’t necessarily have a negative connotation or mean prying into someone’s life, but it’s fun to get to know a person in every possible way.
10) You don’t like *enter a dish you like*
Whether it’s cheese pie crust or chicken curry, you’ll eventually find a dish that you can’t and won’t believe you don’t like. Hopefully it’s not your favorite dish, because that can be awkward at dinner, but it’s nothing to cry about. More good food for you! Hopefully they like other dishes from the same source so they still have some options at the restaurant. For example, someone may not like sushi, but they can still try the chicken fried steak.
11) Do I look pretty/am I fat/are my teeth white/am I too skinny?
You can choose whether it’s a man or a woman and this topic will come up. If they have yellow teeth, we don’t recommend pointing that out or just buying them a charcoal teeth whitening product, but maybe mention that you buy some yourself and offer to buy them some too.