9 Ways To Hydrate The Skin
Winter really does take it out of your skin. Battling your way through freezing winds strips the skin of any moisture, while staying indoors unfortunately isn’t the answer due to central heating further adding to the problem by taking moisture out of the air and from your skin too. Dry skin is not only uncomfortable, it can also start cracking and bleeding, making the colder months even harder to tackle.
Keeping the moisture levels in your skin is a bit of a challenge, but not impossible during these chilly days, additional moisture being the desired idea, this is where we share with you 9 ways of hydrating your skin this winter and keeping chapped, sore skin at bay!
1) Drink
Keeping yourself hydrated through winter is something everyone doesn’t pay any attention to. With the temperatures dropping meaning we reach more for hot drinks, such as tea or hot chocolates. If the idea of drinking cold water sends shivers down your already chilly spine, try instead warm water and lemon. Surprisingly refreshing and deeply hydrating, you can even try adding a teaspoon of honey for a helping hand at keeping those sniffles and coughs away!
2) Exfoliate
Exfoliation is admittedly associated more to the warmer months with the bid of buffing away leftover fake tan or remaining debris left over from sunscreen. During the winter we seem to miss out exfoliation during a time we need it most of all, with a build-up of dead skin cells making it difficult for moisturiser to penetrate through to the skin. Using a body wash with added exfoliates is a quick and easy way of helping the skin and can be used every day.
3) Luke warm water
You dash your way home through the icy downpour dreaming about sinking into a hot bubble bath. Yes, it feels likes absolute heaven, but isn’t the best decision for your skin. With the temperature of your bathing causing your skin to be stripped from it’s oils, therefore resulting in your skin becoming very dry and tight. Try instead to use Luke warm water in your showers and even when washing your hands to keep your skin comfortable.
4) Choosing your products
Keeping the skin moisturised daily is a great way of hydrating the skin and stopping it from drying out. However, choosing your products wisely will also benefit you in the long run as some moisturisers include a number of ingredients that over time dry out the skin. The best formula to choose is full of natural and nourishing ingredients. Oil based products instead of water are another aspect to consider due to the oil hydrating the skin more effectively then say, a water based moisturiser. You may also want to consider a hydrating sheet mask packed full of serum.
5) Moisturise daily and often
Your skin needs moisture right away after you have showered before your skin starts to dry out. One easy way of ensuring your skin stays hydrated is by applying moisturiser whilst skin is still damp, doing this will seal in that dampness.
6) Protect
We protect our skin from the cold by wearing gloves, hats and scarfs, but we always forget a sunscreen. Even though the sun doesn’t seem to be around much during the winter, it is still there and as strong as ever. Even on an overcast day it is best to apply a sunscreen or use a moisturiser with added SPF protection. This will not only help protect us against potential sun damage, but also the skin becoming dry and maybe cracking.
7) Overnight moisturising
It isn’t just your face that need extra help with moisturising throughout the colder months. Areas such as your hands, feet, elbows and knees become dry quicker due to the fact the skin is thinner in these areas. Slathering a thick moisturiser onto them will help enormously and for extra help try wearing cotton gloves and socks to wear whilst you sleep and you’ll wake up with perfectly hydrated skin!
8) Hydrate from the inside
Hydrating the skin from the inside is easier than you would imagine, eating food that is high in water, such as cucumber, watermelon etc will help with hydrating the skin from the inside out. Other food such as oily fish and avocado which naturally have high fatty acid content will also benefit your skin and add to the moisture and appearance of your skin, giving you a healthy glow.
9) DIY
This last idea is the most time consuming, mainly because of having to follow a recipe and making homemade face masks, but definitely worth it. Combining together ingredients high in natural moisturising properties, such as honey, yogurt, avocado, bananas and aloe and apply the mixture onto your skin for 10-30 minutes will give your skin a shot of hydration and leave it feeling very comfortable and moisturised ready to tackle the daily frost!
It is important to keep your skin happy and hydrated this winter and by following these nine tips you will have enough options to choose from to maintain a healthy, balanced skin. Before you know it, it’ll be spring!