What is the difference between sheet masks and clay masks?
Sheet masks are an integral part of many people’s beauty routines, but sheet masks, as a Korean beauty secret, remain largely unknown. Now that the lid has officially been lifted, people are flocking to this modern face mask as a face-friendly alternative, but there’s still a lot of confusion about the difference between sheet masks and clay masks, so we thought we’d dig a little deeper into the information.
Whatever mask you use, such as our charcoal mask, the main goal is to eliminate impurities and remove lingering dirt and dead cells, help the skin glow, and help with acne issues. Charcoal is great for clearing impurities from the skin, but the main purpose of a sheet mask is to hydrate the skin.
That’s why a lot of sheet masks come with serums, as they can help restore much-needed moisture to the skin. Sheet masks are laid flat and need to be washed after use, but sheet masks don’t need to be washed because they contain moisturizing ingredients that continue to benefit your face even after use.
The cloth itself is very useful, not only because it’s a clean and easy process. It also helps carry nutrients into the skin so they can be absorbed more effectively.
So they’re both useful, but offer slightly different benefits. Sheet masks moisturize your skin, while face masks exfoliate and remove any stuff from your pores. Wipes prevent pigmentation and thus close your pores, while wash-off masks provide a deeper clean.
Similar to face masks, clay masks must be washed off after use, otherwise they can clog your pores, negating any benefits of their use.
One more thing is that both have a short lifespan once opened, so they need to be used as soon as possible. However, a sheet mask can be used in a single session, while a face mask can be split into multiple sessions.
When buying a face mask, you should also consider the ingredients used. There are a few key ingredients you want to look for, but you also want to make sure it doesn’t use cheap fillers that can actually have a negative impact on your skin. Most of the big brands will work for you, but be careful if they look really cheap, because there’s usually a reason for that.
In conclusion, both have incredible benefits as part of your beauty routine. You shouldn’t consider one over the other, because both are helpful. But before you buy, you need to think about what you want to achieve and how you want to help your skin. Sheet masks are also limited to the face due to their shape, but washable masks can be used all over the body with great results and are suitable for a variety of skin conditions.