Can Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide, and Hyaluronic Acid Mix?
If you’re sitting there feeling overwhelmed by skincare, please stop because I’m here today to make sure it all makes more sense. I can’t blame you for finding this all so confusing.
It seems like every week there comes a new ingredient that you absolutely must incorporate into your routine. So when things pile up, it can be a little tricky to figure out in which order to apply the ingredients!
Hopefully by the end of today’s blog post, you’ll find that mixing salicylic acid, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid is as easy as turning on a kettle, so stay tuned and learn more.
Can I use salicylic acid with hyaluronic acid and niacinamide?
Yes, you can, believe it or not! Due to salicylic acid’s powerful antibacterial and anti-acne effects, severe skin dryness and irritation are common side effects. That’s where the skin-hydrating combo of hyaluronic acid and
niacinamide comes into play.
Each of these moisturizers works by binding moisture to the surface of the skin, thereby counteracting dry skin. They also target and prevent damage caused by exposure to free radicals such as pollution, UV rays and other
environmental aggressors.
When it comes to the best sequence to use these ingredients, I recommend the following for optimal skin results with few side effects. cleaning supplies. Exfoliating Toner Enriched with Salicylic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid Serum.
Niacinamide Serum moisturizer (ideal)
Sun protection factor (daytime only). The reason I recommend using hyaluronic acid before niacinamide is that hyaluronic acid can give your skin impressive hydration benefits. This allows Niacinamide to deliver its unique
benefits and regulate the production of sebum (the natural oil in the skin) on the skin’s surface.
Can salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid be mixed?
You can use both acids at the same time. In fact, many skincare experts recommend using them both in your daily skincare routine. By incorporating Hyaluronic Acid into your daily regimen, you can deeply hydrate and restore your
skin’s balance.
The advantage of combining hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid is that they don’t interfere with each other. Salicylic acid is the most commonly used salicylic acid in skin care formulations due to its impressive properties in
fighting the bacteria that often cause breakouts.
It does this by penetrating deeper into the skin layers to unclog pores with bacteria, impurities and excess oil. While salicylic acid is busy opening pores, hyaluronic acid works on the outer surface of the skin, keeping the
protective barrier hydrated and at its healthiest.
If you want to learn more about how to layer hyaluronic acid with salicylic acid, check out our blog post. Is it okay to mix salicylic acid and niacinamide? Mixing these powerful ingredients together is fine, but best done
sparingly. That’s because, while they’re both skin-favorite products, they make a powerful duo when combined.
As I mentioned earlier, popular BHAs work deep into pores and unclog them from a host of excess oil, bacteria, and debris. Niacinamide complements this by repairing and stimulating skin cell growth, while also drawing moisture
from around the face and locking it in place, allowing the barrier to be fully hydrated and function properly.
We have a very special blog post on how to use serum salicylic acid and niacinamide together. How to apply hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid? It depends on the formulation of these ingredients. You probably never think about
the order in which you apply your skin care products.
However, it’s an important part of making sure you get the rewards from your day-to-day life. If you’ve read any of our previous blog posts, you know that skincare should be applied from thinnest to thickest consistency. This
way you can ensure that each product formula is absorbed into the skin without fighting the barrier created by thicker formulas on the face.
You’ll find hyaluronic acid mostly mixed into gel-like serums that can be applied to the skin after using a salicylic acid-rich cleanser. Not only does this soothe the skin, but it also increases its moisture level, allowing it
to better absorb any other products you apply afterwards.
Can AHA BHA use hyaluronic acid?
Yes, of course, the beauty of hyaluronic acid is that it can be used on any skin type and with any ingredients. It enjoys good teamwork and is very effective at neutralizing skin irritation caused by strong BHAs like salicylic
acid and AHAs like glycolic acid.
Since AHAs and BHAs are often found in exfoliating toners or light serums, use a chemical peel first before removing residue. Dead skin cells, dirt, debris and impurities are removed before skin is revived and rebalanced with
Hyaluronic Acid.
Can I use 2 products containing salicylic acid at the same time?
It is possible, but make sure you use the best product possible to experience the benefits and avoid adverse reactions. Salicylic acid is very potent, but is great for fighting blemishes, pimples, and acne-causing bacteria.
You’ll often find different percentages in different formulations, from cleansers and serums to masks and topical anti-spot treatments.
This must be taken into account when using skin care products. By limiting the frequency of your daily use of salicylic acid to once a day, you will be sure to see results without side effects. If you already have more than one
product formulated with BHA, you can alternate the days or times you apply it to your face.
Do Moisturizers Come Before Salicylic Acid?
Moisturizer should be one of the last steps in your skin care routine. This is because it tends to be the thickest and prevents other products from penetrating the skin if applied too early. While serums are often thought of as
products that deliver more active ingredients to the skin than moisturizers, moisturizers can still provide protection for the face.