How to utilize Tamanu Oil for Acne.
If you hadn’t been afflicted by acne, or any other form of breakout, I would feel uneasy, possibly with a small degree of envy. If, similar to me, you have struggled with your skin and had frequent problems with the breakouts and spots, you would understand the desire to find an ingredient that would eliminate these unwanted guests.
You may also harbor a sense of disconnection at the concept of utilizing an oil to assist with treating your acne. It’s apparent that using oil on a fatty skin type is counterintuitive, but it’s actually true, tamanu oil benefits the skin and can help address any breakouts. Without additional consideration, we should find out how to utilize the tamanu oil for acne.
Is the tamanu oil beneficial to acne-prone skin?
Yes, it is! You’ll often notice that skincare products intended to address breakouts are often very harsh on the skin. The desire to feel “spotless” can often inspire an acne sufferer to scrape the skin off of their body, including their facial expressions, this can lead to an increase in the production of natural oil on the skin, which is also known as sebum. this can begin the process of the skin’s oil production, which results in a vicious cycle. This is when the tamanu oil is supposed to enter and provide a mild method of treating the skin. Nourished with fatty acids and other beneficial properties, you’ll ensure that the skin is treated gently without the side effects of drying. In the following section, we’ll discuss how to utilize tamanu oil on your acne and other affected areas with effectiveness.
Is it possible to utilize tamanu oil on acne?
Yes, you can! Don’t be fooled by the rich oily nature of the texture, the tamanu oil is effective at treating acne and other blemish issues because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These extra benefits contribute to the healing power of the skin, they also prevent the appearance of any active blemishes and reduce their size.
There is limited scientific research surrounding this ancient oil, but it just happened, in 2015, that a study of five different areas of the South Pacific found that extracts of tamanu oil possessed a high concentration of P. acnes, also known as P. acnes bacteria, these bacteria are renowned for exterminating and preventing any form of acne on the top of the skin.
However, you can also have too much of a beneficial thing and the consistency of tamanu oil can lead to the pores becoming slightly constricted. The most effective way to address this issue is to simply combine the oil of the sun with oil of lavender or tea tree in order to avoid any blockage of the pores.
If you need more help, tamanu oil can also assist with treating acne scars due to its cell regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, you will find a significant increase in the color of any acne scarring.
How frequently do you utilize the tamanu oil?
As I already discussed, there is a slight possibility of tamanu oil becoming slightly comedogenic. Because of this, I would recommend teaming formulas that contain tamanu oil with other skincare products that contain effective ingredients that can be used on the skin. These ingredients will allow me to target acne problems.
fortunately, tamanu oil can be combined with several powerful ingredients, including salicylic acid, bexoyl peroxide and popular AHAs, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid. Attempt adding 3-4 drops of oil from tamanu to the afflicted areas every couple of weeks after having toiled and scrubbed your skin. This will facilitate the retention of moisture in the skin while also allowing the various antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties to work on the spots, these properties will reduce the size, redness, and severity of the spots while preventing them from returning.
Is it possible to utilize the tamanu oil on the face?
Absolutely! Tamanu oil is beneficial to all skin types when applied correctly; similar to all other skincare components, having a patch test on the skin for 24 hours is crucial to determining how your skin will respond. If no indicators of irritation are present, you have the green light to utilize the oil on your skin.
Those who are prone to dryness and sensitivity will apply a liberal amount of tamanu oil to their skin which will prevent the skin from becoming more dry or irritated, particularly during the winter. Regarding oily and blemish-prone skin, as I’ve already discussed in the previous section, you can effectively address active areas and problems.
Will the tamanu oil fill the pores?
Yes and no, this is what I mean by overusing the oil. You can address and treat any breakouts or acne. With the high concentrations of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in the formula, you will contribute to the clarification of the complexion and its return to its healthiest state. Attempt to utilize the therapeutic properties of tamanu oil on alternate days by directly applying it to the afflicted areas of skin. This will allow the beneficial properties of the oil to be manifested without overburdening the skin or causing a clog in the pores.
Maintaining a consistent skincare regimen will keep your complexion pure and prevent the tamanu oil from entering the pores, this will lead to a buildup of bacteria, excess sebum, and other impurities that result in more acne and breakouts.
How long does tamanu’s oil last after being released?
This is primarily dependent on the quality of the tamanu oil you’re utilizing. It’s documented that the harvest of this specific oil is a slow and time-consuming process. This often results in many products that contain low quality oil being released onto the market. If you’re utilizing a product that is a dark green color that is rich, you’ll find that it has a shelf life of approximately 5 years if it’s stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
Tamanu oil is not considered a new skincare revelation, but it has actually been employed for millennia by the Polynesian people. Regularly incorporated into everyday life, and was considered a gift from the gods themselves, this probably explains the popularity of the term “green gold” If you’re interested in the history of tamanu oil, please see our blog post.
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