I Tried AviClear — A New Acne Laser Treatment — And It Made a Huge Difference
Stubborn acne can be painful, so when the opportunity to try AviClear came up, I jumped on it. AviClear is the first FDA-approved acne laser — it targets your sebaceous glands to eliminate acne long-term. This breakthrough treatment is touted as an alternative to retinoids, and I was told it would clear up my hormonal and stress-related acne in just three 30-minute sessions.
I made an appointment with renowned cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank to try the treatment. When I arrived at his office (which looked like something out of Architectural Digest), I met Jennifer Kennedy, a registered nurse who would be conducting the treatment, and Dr. John Frank, who explained what I should expect during the three-session treatment. Learn everything you need to know about AviClear below.
What is AviClear?
“AviClear is the first FDA-approved laser treatment for mild, moderate and severe acne,” says Dr. Frank. “Acne occurs when sebum (the oily substance on the skin) combines with dead skin cells and clogs pores. AviClear fights acne at the source. This revolutionary laser treatment uses a wavelength of 1726 nm to specifically attack the sebaceous glands, destroying sebaceous cells and inhibiting sebum production,” he explains.
Dr. Alexiades explains that AviClear is the first laser that is safe and effective for all skin types. “Similar to retinoids, it is the only treatment that shows continued improvement in results for months to at least a year after the last treatment,” she says. Additionally, she points out that not only does it treat active acne and prevent new acne from forming, but clinical studies have also shown improvement in acne scarring.
Benefits of AviClear
Shortened duration of breakouts
Milder breakouts
Improved skin appearance
Can treat acne on the face and body
“After completing a course of treatment, patients will experience a decrease in the number of breakouts and an overall improvement in the appearance of their skin,” says Dr. Frank. “Overall, future breakouts will be more frequent, shorter in duration, and milder.” Cutera, a global aesthetic device company that develops and supplies the AviClear device to aesthetic practices, recently released data on the long-term effects of the treatment. “After 6 months, 90% of patients experienced significant improvement in acne, and clinical results at 12 months showed this improvement increased to 92%, confirming continued improvement in acne clearance and skin quality over time,” says Dr. Frank. The effects of the treatment last for several months after the third and final treatment; your skin will become clearer over time.
AviClear can also help treat those annoying monthly hormonal breakouts that many of us experience. Dr. Frank notes that most of his patients are in their 20s or 30s and are tired of dealing with acne.
While this is not common, says Dr. Frank believes the benefits of AviClear extend beyond the face. “We’ve had patients treated on their backs and chests, too,” he notes. “AviClear is really an acne treatment that’s right for almost everyone, but of course I always recommend consulting a dermatologist to see if you’re a good candidate.”
How to Prepare
In addition to coming to your AviClear appointment without makeup, Dr. Kseniya Kobets, director of cosmetic dermatology at Montefiore Einstein Advanced Care, says, “Patients should avoid any procedures or skincare products that could irritate or exfoliate the skin, such as peels or other lasers, in the last four to six weeks.”
What to Expect
Although I’ve only had two sessions of AviClear and will be returning in a month for my third and final treatment, you’ll see significant results after the second session. After Dr. After After Frank explains what to expect from the treatment, he and Kennedy leave the exam room and I put on my gown. Before I sit in the dental chair, Kennedy hands me a clear shower cap and wraps a towel around my neck. She then begins to clean my face with rubbing alcohol and acetone. Dr. Corbetts explained that alcohol and acetone are used because the laser needs to remove oils from the skin in order to work.
The laser is pressed into your skin and uses AviCool, which keeps the skin warm throughout the treatment to minimize discomfort, but not prevent it. Kennedy calls this “spice.” As she pressed the laser into my face, dousing it with water, the laser created a kind of intermittent sensation (or “spice”). With each laser pulse, I couldn’t predict whether I would feel the spice. I wouldn’t say it was painful; rather, it was the intermittent unpredictability that made it uncomfortable. There are certain areas of the face where you’ll feel the laser more easily, such as around the chin, cheeks, and nose—areas that are more prone to acne. Also, depending on the stage of your menstrual cycle, the laser may feel more intense.
As she explained the experience to me, the treatment was over before I knew it. When Kennedy was done, she gave me a mirror so I could get a good look at my face, which wasn’t as red as I thought it would be after each treatment. Then she left so I could get dressed and returned with a dose of anti-inflammatory antibiotics and a shot of Valtrex. Although it is used to treat cold sores, even if you don’t have them, it’s good to use after each treatment as a preventative measure, as the laser may trigger breakouts.
Before + After
The redness on my face disappeared pretty quickly after the treatment. In the days after the first treatment, I noticed that I looked a little swollen, but it didn’t bother me at all. However, by the third day after the AviClear treatment, my poor cheeks, chin, and jawline area started to clear up.
“Some patients may experience a rash a few days after each treatment, but this is nothing to worry about and does not mean the treatment is not working,” explains Dr. Frank. While the breakouts didn’t surprise me, I felt the need to switch up my regular vitamin C serum for Skinceuticals Silymarin CF to help my rash heal faster.
As the weeks went by, my breakouts calmed down, and I noticed that my skin looked brighter and felt smoother, and the dark spots from healing acne were gone. However, I did notice that my skin was a little dry. After my second AviClear treatment and in the days that followed, I had no more breakouts, just one or two small rashes on my chin. “The flaking will decrease after each treatment, but each experience may vary from person to person,” says Dr. Frank. I anticipate that my third and final treatment next month will clear up the rash completely.
Possible Side Effects
AviClear is safe for all skin types, with minimal to no side effects other than mild redness after treatment that disappears within a few hours. Dr. Frank says there is no downtime for the treatment, and you can even wear makeup a few hours after the treatment if necessary.
The average cost for three AviClear treatments is about $3,000, with each treatment costing about $1,000. Cutera also offers monthly financing for AviClear starting at $99 per month. Three treatments spaced 30 days apart are recommended for optimal treatment results.
Dr. Alexiades recommends stopping the use of topical medications like retinoids 2-3 days after treatment, avoiding sun exposure as much as possible, and using sunscreen during recovery from laser treatments. Dr. Frank also recommends waiting a year after the third treatment before considering further treatments.
Final Verdict
After two treatments, I can safely say that AviClear delivers on its promise of clearer skin by addressing acne at its source. After two 30-minute treatments, I’ve already noticed the acne around my chin, jawline, and cheeks clearing up, and I’m looking forward to seeing my skin after my third and final treatment. With no downtime or side effects, AviClear is a treatment that anyone with acne should definitely try. I just wish this treatment had been available when I was a teenager.