Can I use Vitamin C After Microneedling?
When you hear the word microneedling, it may feel a little intimidating and scary, but it is in fact a helpful treatment for the skin that can deliver a lot of benefits. The main benefit being its ability to promote the skin to heal itself which leads to a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is also able to target other concerns such as uneven skin texture caused from scarring left from acne and other problematic skin conditions.
You may be thinking how this no longer sounds too scary and perhaps wondering how it works, so let’s have a quick lesson on how it delivers results and the benefits you can expect to see.
How Does Microneedling Work on The Skin?
Microneedling is performed with a small pen-like device covered in tiny needles that is rolled over the skin. The needles create small tears on the skin surface that sends signals to the skin to kick start its production of collagen and elastin. The reason this happens is because the skin is tricked into thinking it is damaged and so responds with boosting the growth of new skin cells to promote a brighter, plumper, healthy, younger looking complexion.
Both collagen and elastin are vital for supporting the structure and overall health of the skin. Collagen is found in the lower layers of the skin and is naturally produced keeping the face healthy and youthful. The downside is the production of collagen declines as we age resulting in visible changes in the skin. Fine lines and wrinkles become more noticeable and the skin’s lipid barrier is weakened leading to further damaged from exposure to free radicals, such as UV rays, pollution, and other oxidised stress.
Elastin is also known as the skin’s protein and is responsible for keeping it flexible and stretchy. Once the production of elastin begins to slow down the skin will become saggy making the face appear older than it is.
You can find microneedling is a popular treatment in many salons and spas and must always be performed by a fully trained professional in a safe and sterile environment. There is also the option of purchasing your own at-home device, but this is something that requires a lot of research to ensure you use the treatment properly without the risk of causing further damage to the skin. If you wanted my advice, if you have the budget to seek the help from the professionals, then this is the road you should take.
Considering microneedling is such a beneficial treatment for keeping the skin healthy, you may not be surprised to hear that there are some important factors you must follow regarding your aftercare. Certain actives for example should be avoided completely, and others must be reintroduced into your routine at the optimal time. Today we are going to investigate whether you can use vitamin C after mirconeedling, so stick around as we will answer all your questions now.
Just as a brief sidenote, if you are wondering what vitamin C can do for the skin, check out our blog post which goes into more detail about the benefits this powerhouse has to offer.
Is vitamin C good for microneedling?
Yes and no, what I mean by this is you must only use vitamin C immediately after your microneedling treatment if instructed by your dermatologist. Many skin experts feel that the fact that vitamin C is packed with antioxidant properties will keep skin healthy and speed up the healing process.
I would advise however, to avoid using vitamin C, or any other potent ingredients, such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and retinol post microneedling. The way in which the treatment works by leaving small tears on the skin can leave it susceptible to flare-up in irritation and unwanted side effects.
Just remember to ask the professional who performs your treatment whether you are safe to apply vitamin C serum, and this should make things a lot clearer.
What serum should I use after microneedling?
Serums enriched in hyaluronic acid are the number one ingredient to use after microneedling. Due to the moisture-binding properties and several different molecular sizes of HA, it is the one ingredient that will work wonders for the skin and promote the healing process. You will also find that once microneedling is performed on the skin it will help any hyaluronic acid to absorb rapidly and deliver maximum hydrating effects.
You may also find that the skin can begin to feel slightly tight after microneedling so a liberal layer of hyaluronic acid serum will give the skin the hydrated boost it needs, leaving it comfortable and glowing.
Should I use moisturiser after microneedling?
Absolutely! Applying a moisturiser to the skin after microneedling will ensure lipid barrier is strengthened and hydrated. Appling a moisturiser will also form a physical layer on the surface of the skin ensuring it remains fully protected from any oxidised stress caused from exposure to free radicals, such as UV rays, pollution, central heating, and other environmental aggressors.
My one tip would be to remain mindful of the formula and opt for product that is enriched in ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, and other nourishing actives without any additional fragrances as this can cause skin irritation.
What should you not do after microneedling?
Avoid ingredients that act as exfoliants for the skin, such as retinol, AHAs, like glycolic acid and BHAs, such as salicylic acid. These acids are too potent for the skin after microneedling and will cause severe dryness, irritation, redness, and discomfort if applied too soon after the treatment whilst the skin is still healing.
You’ll find the skin will appear swollen with signs of redness for at least 48 hours after your treatment, this is perfectly normal and will settle down shortly after those days. Here are a few more examples of aftercare which if followed correctly will promote a healthy, repaired, glowing complexion.
Ensure you apply a daily SPF on a regular basis during the first two weeks after your treatment. This will protect the skin and ensure no further damage is caused from exposure to skin aggressors.
Avoid touching your face as much as possible as the bacteria on your hands can cause infection.
Do not apply any makeup and avoid using makeup brushes for the first 24 hours after mirconeedling.
Ensure you stay away from swimming pools, saunas, and heavy exercise that can lead to excessive sweating.
These should be followed for a minimum of 72 hours combined with liberal application of hyaluronic acid serums to keep the skin hydrated and comfortable.
So, there you have it, I hope that is has been of some use today. If you have any further questions do come, and find us on Instagram, we look forward to seeing you there!