What Are Bunny Lines? A Plastic Surgeon Explains How to Treat Them
The name “bunny lines” may sound cute, but if they bother you, you may find that they’re anything but cute in reality. In short, bunny lines are wrinkles that appear on the sides of your nose when you wrinkle your nose like a bunny. While they may not be as often mentioned as crow’s feet or the “pixie” between the eyes, they are similar in that they are also dynamic wrinkles – created by repeated muscle movements and can become ingrained over time. Although you don’t have to do anything about bunny lines (or other wrinkles), there are several options if you decide you want to minimize their appearance. Below, experts provide a full overview of bunny lines and the best treatment options.
What Are Bunny Lines?
“Bunny lines are diagonal and/or horizontal wrinkles that appear on the sides of your nose when you wrinkle or pucker your nose,” explains expert Carol Eisenstat, MD. If you’re younger, you may only see them when you make such movements. Over time, however, these lines can become more noticeable and deeper as we lose collagen and elastin, just like other wrinkles and signs of aging.
Causes of Bunny Lines
The main cause of bunny lines is repetitive muscle movements, especially the nasal muscles that run along the sides of the nose, Eisenstat explains. However, it’s important to note that unlike movements like frowning (which is more of a universal motion), not everyone does these types of nose-puckering facial animations, notes board-certified plastic surgeon Usha Rajagopal, MD. In other words, not everyone gets bunny lines, and they’re not as common as other types of dynamic wrinkles. She also adds that many people only notice bunny lines after treating wrinkles elsewhere on the face — these wrinkles become more noticeable after reducing other wrinkles because they’re the only wrinkles left.
As with any type of wrinkle, genetics can play a role in the development of bunny lines — some people are genetically more prone to them than others, Eisenstat notes. Lifestyle factors that usually affect skin quality, such as sun exposure, smoking, and general skin care habits, can also affect the severity of these fine lines, she adds.
How to Treat Bunny Lines
Both experts we spoke to agreed that neuromodulator injections (Botox, Dysport, etc.) are by far the best solution. “These are used to relax the nasal muscles and reduce the appearance of bunny lines,” says Eisenstat. When the muscle is relaxed, it can’t perform this movement, so you won’t get wrinkles (and if you already have them, they’ll be less noticeable). It’s injected into the sides of the nose, she adds, and while the exact amount depends on your specific needs, it’s usually a relatively small amount of about two to four units. (For comparison, according to Rajagopal, an average of 22 to 24 units are used to treat the area between the eyebrows.)
A small amount of injectable filler is another option. “This will plump up the lines so they’re not as noticeable,” says Rajagopal, adding that this is a good option if the lines are already sculpted and visible even when your face is at rest. Thinner fillers—Restylane Refyne, Juvederm Volbella—work best here, and only require very small amounts. She notes that bunny line fillers are usually more of an add-on treatment if you’ve already injected more filler elsewhere on your face so far and have some left over.
How to Prevent Bunny Lines
While bunny lines are often hereditary and/or caused by natural facial expressions, there are some adjustments you can make if you want to prevent them from forming or don’t want them to become more noticeable. Here are our experts’ top tips:
Pay attention to your facial movements: It’s easier said than done (of course), but being aware of repetitive facial movements that can make bunny lines worse, such as wrinkling your nose, can help prevent it from developing or becoming more noticeable, Eisenstat says.
Be aware after Botox: It’s also important to pay attention to how you move your face to “11 lines” after Botox, Rajagopal adds. If you still unconsciously try to frown while engaging other muscles, such as those around your nose, this can cause bunny lines.
Develop a good skin-care routine: Otherwise, as always, good skin care is your best bet. That means using a retinoid to boost collagen production and wearing sunscreen daily to protect your skin from UV rays, Eisenstat suggests. While these steps won’t completely prevent bunny lines, this smart, universally applicable skincare tip will only help improve the overall quality of your skin.
Final Verdict
Bunny lines are another common wrinkle that develops over time in association with facial expressions and can be found on either side of the nose. While they are normal and you don’t need to do anything about them unless they bother you, if you find that your bunny lines are no longer as attractive, injectables like Botox and fillers can be helpful treatment options. If you want to prevent these fine lines from forming or increasing, you can also use skincare products and pay attention to muscle exercises, which can also have a positive impact on your overall skin health and anti-aging efforts.