A quick swipe of a makeup wipe, although very time affective just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to removing your makeup properly as well as the pollutions and daily aggressors that your skin has to tackle on a daily basis, the idea of a double cleanse means just that, cleansing your skin twice.
We can’t deny that double cleansing is great for the skin, but you can have too much of a good thing. It’s best avoiding using the method morning and evening as the skin could begin to dry out, causing it to feel uncomfortable and stripping away the sebum of the skin can in fact cause more of it to be produced resulting in an oily, shiny face.
We recommended using an oil based cleanser for the first step at removing your makeup. However, you know your skin type best, for example, for more dry skins using something that has a cream base could be the better choice for you and your skin.
Preserve with cleansers that don’t suit your skin type
It is tempting to stick with a product until it’s all used up. Doing this can cause a lot of trouble for the skin from drying it out or making it breakout in blemishes. If you find your skin isn’t taking to your cleanser, it’s best to pass it on to someone else. Don’t be mistaken in your skin reacting badly to the cleanser if a number of spots appear after a week of using it, this is usually a sign the products and method are working and is removing all the dirt that makes it’s way into your pores, which can cause breakouts. If however, the blemishes don’t calm down after a week of using, it’s best to stop using the cleanser.
Just rely of makeup wipes
Don’t get us wrong, makeup wipes are brilliant for removing makeup once in a while or if you are at a festival. However, with wipes you will find they just lightly remove makeup and grime. Getting a deep clean and removing all traces of makeup won’t happen with a makeup wipe. You will also find that they are quite rough on the skin as you have to remember that are made from wood, so not exactly the most gentle approach to cleansing.
So, there you have it, a little more information of what double cleansing is, how to use the method affectively and also some tips on the do’s and don’ts. The method has got to be the most gentle why of fully cleansing the skin, depending on your lifestyle etc there is no way this method wouldn’t work for you. So why not give it a try and test out some products that will truly benefit your skin.