Why Your Natural Deodorant Isn’t Working?
You made a conscious decision to switch up your deodorant and opted for a natural one. But you were surprised to find that it didn’t work and didn’t produce the results you were hoping for. Here are some tips to make sure your natural deodorant is working for you.
Detox Your Underarms
This may be one of the weirdest things you’ll ever do in your life, but in order to get the best results from your natural deodorant, you need to detox your underarms. This can take up to 1-2 weeks. Transitioning from traditional deodorant to natural deodorant requires this time for the skin to clear out all the chemicals and toxins that were previously trapped in the body. It’s completely normal to notice more sweat and odor initially, and after the detox you’ll find your body naturally balances out. Then you can confidently use your natural deodorant and it’ll keep you dry and smelling great!
Use the Right Amount
Goldilocks had it right: not too much, not too little, just right! Since there’s a slight stigma about natural deodorants not working properly, you may be using too much product. This can actually have a negative impact on you because the excess product won’t be absorbed well and will remain on the skin, causing the bacteria in your armpits to react and ultimately give off an odor. Follow the instructions on the label regarding the best amount to use and you’ll be fine!
Application of Deodorant Cream
Natural deodorants are great, healthy to use, and they work great, but they require more work than just a quick wipe and wipe. After showering, make sure your armpits are completely dry. Residual moisture and damp skin impairs the skin’s absorption of the product, so it won’t work for you in the end! It may be a little irritating, but rubbing the product into your underarms until it’s fully absorbed can also increase the effectiveness of your deodorant! Don’t forget to wash your hands after using the product to prevent bacteria and dirt from getting into the jar!
Understandably, it may seem like a waste of time, but switching up your natural deodorant will benefit you in the long run. With natural products like essential oils, your skin will most likely get used to the ingredients, so your natural deodorant won’t work as well anymore. For example, if you use two deodorants with different ingredients, make sure they are effective and your skin isn’t “used to” the products.
Wear natural fibers
Another reason why deodorant doesn’t work could be the clothes you wear. Maybe you haven’t thought about it, but our armpits are constantly in contact with the fabric of the clothes we wear. Not surprisingly, the natural fibers in your tops can actually cause you to sweat more, so your deodorant won’t work as intended. When you wear natural fibers like cotton, your skin can breathe, so you won’t sweat as much! If you don’t want to wear clothes made of natural fibers, choose loose-fitting tops, especially around your arms and armpits.
Whether it’s panic before an important meeting or nervousness on a first date, all of these lifestyle factors can cause natural deodorant to not work as well as it should. This is completely normal and can’t be changed or stopped. But there are things you can do to help if you need to. For example, carry deodorant with you and reapply whenever possible. Don’t forget to wash your armpits to best prevent sweating. You can also bring a replacement top or even perfume to mask any odor.
Skin sensitivity
Natural deodorants are undoubtedly the best choice for underarm use, but some people experience skin sensitivity due to the baking soda in the product. This could be because you applied deodorant shortly after shaving and got razor burn! Waiting about 10 minutes after shaving and applying deodorant can prevent this from happening. This gives your skin time to calm down naturally without causing any irritation and skin sensitivity.
Your DNA
You found a natural deodorant that you absolutely love, but you realize that you don’t like it very much. This could be due to the ingredients and essential oils it contains. These are great deodorants, but the problem is that your body doesn’t react well to them. For example, lavender might be one of your favorite scents, but unfortunately it doesn’t work well for your body! Instead, try some other products with different essential oils and ingredients. You will undoubtedly find one that works better for your body.
Your Diet
The last reason why your deodorant doesn’t work could be a change in your eating habits. Foods like curry and garlic have strong smells and can give off odors after you sweat. If you’ve noticed this and you’ve been eating a lot of these foods lately, this could be the reason why your deodorant doesn’t work.
Here are some reasons why natural deodorants don’t work. We hope that some tips and tricks can help you solve any problems you might be facing.